Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Solar Home Efficiency - Temperature Control

The owners of the world consider a kit of solar energy or solar panels for their homes. It is a powerful way to save money, produce clean energy and "green." But before you do what you have to ensure that your home is energy efficient as possible. The less energy you use, the greatest impact on your solar energy system will have on your wallet and the planet. There are several things you can do in conjunction with solar panels to create a highly efficient, comfortable. This article will teach you about the energy efficiency of heating, cooling and passive solar.


Use of gas (eg propane or natural gas) to heat your home is very efficient compared to electric ovens. Using hot water and heat, as in the floor and underfloor heating is more efficient than forced air. Whatever your heating system, regular maintenance is essential to the efficient use of energy. Often, items such filters, valves or burners must be replaced periodically. Duct cleaning can also improve overall efficiency.

For smaller spaces that are far from the central heating unit (such as garages or basements) can provide heaters kerosene prices, fast heat without heating costs of everyday life. Closed doors, vents or valves rarely used items can also reduce consumption significantly.

Another thing to consider is your temperature setting. Try lowering the temperature one degree a week for four weeks. During the fourth week, the chances are that you will not see that your house is four degrees colder. And if you're cold, you do not make sense to start on a sweater instead of heating the whole house?

Air Conditioning

The cooling in warm climates is a huge drain on our electrical grid. This type of consumption May be partly responsible for the rolling blackouts in California and other states, a few years ago. Again, the maintenance of these units is the key. Have a professional check the refrigerant levels and performance. For new units, look for the Energy Star logo. This government program certifies the best artists of energy. New air conditioning units are often 200% more efficient than their older counterparts.

In arid climates, swamp coolers are an excellent option for cooling. Swamp coolers work best when they are placed in shady areas, rather than the roof is in place, we're used to seeing. And the same goes for cooling: not cool rarely spaces and ducts and filters to keep clean.

Try to experience temperature for cooling your home. Turn up the thermostat by one degree a week for four weeks. Also, try simply opening the windows at night to let fresh air. Chances are that the night is enough to cool your house while you sleep.


How often is your system? Is it running all day while you're at work? Many people think it is ineffective to stop the system when they left for the day and then the system kick on the right before coming home. It's almost always wrong. One at home is tightly sealed to maintain a comfortable temperature within 5-10 degrees over 8 hours. Try it for a few days and see for yourself.

A programmable thermostat, and an owner who knows how to use it, is an essential element of energy efficiency at home. With regard to your system while you're on vacation, even for a weekend, will have a significant impact on your electricity consumption. Take 15 minutes and read the manual of your thermostat, or to go out and buy a new one. New thermostat cost as little as $ 20, but can have a huge impact on your energy use.

Passive Solar

What is passive solar? The passive solar energy is to use the sun and the window treatment to heat or cool your home. Just open your blinds on the south side of your home during the day can raise the temperature inside by 10 degrees. Similarly, the addition of shade trees, windows and blinds on the south side of your home can lower the temperature inside significantly. Plus these additions can add beauty and aesthetics of your home. An architect and a landscape architect can help you add beautiful and functional home that will pay off in lower utility bills.

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