Complement the home with a variety of furniture is a fun activity. You can blind your home look more functional when you realize to complement your home with a variety of equipment to suit your needs. Every room in the house will have different needs. For that you can buy some equipment furniture your home to complete it.
For there are the housewives, the most important part of the house is the kitchen. You can perform a variety of activities in your kitchen such as cooking meals or fix your cooking needs. For that you need kitchen equipment that will help you during the cooking duties at home. It's very easy when you realize your hobby cook very pleasant. For your kitchen cupboard that need also to put your plates and glasses. Make sure that you buy quality kitchen cabinet and can you recommend and you can be proud of. Kitchen cabinet of solid wood and plywood construction with NO PARTICLEBOARD. These are the materials used. We use the same materials that are used in all high-end kitchen cabinets. We ship RTA to save you shipping costs. Great value and quality at a super price. Get the high quality kitchen cabinets with the affordable price to proud your home.
Jumat, 25 Desember 2009
Kitchen Cabinets You Can Be Proud Of
Diposting oleh simple di 22.06 0 komentar
Label: Kitchen Cabinets
Minggu, 13 Desember 2009
Choosing the mailbox for your home
For those of you who still have a hobby to write a letter, you must have a common mailboxes installed in your home. You can buy a new model from the mailbox. For example with new models like the model of Whitehall mailboxes are much in demand by people who love to send letter. If the mailbox at your house is old and looks old, you can buy a new mailbox type to the type Whitehall Wall Mounted Mailboxes that are sought after. Also make sure you have a mailbox for Whitehall mailbox in your house. This will add to the beauty of your home before you decide to send your letter. Make sure you get a reply in your Personalized Mailboxes.
Diposting oleh simple di 06.45 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Selasa, 08 Desember 2009
Direct TV Special Holiday Offer
With the great services and reliable signal in all the time, it’s no wonder that Direct TV becomes the favorite Satellite TV service in the country. Millions of families around the country really take it as the best choice though. And those millions of members seem to keep risen in years ahead with those new packages and deals Direct TV has launched lately. If you are just planning to switch your TV service to the better one, this is your best chance to get it in better way.
You can try visiting for the detailed information about those Direct TV special deals. In order to welcome the great Christmas and New Year holidays ahead, Directv has recently launched their special offer of $29.99 per month, for 150 channels and more, and free ShowTime and Starz channels for 3 months. Well, this special offer has allowing your to save up to $26 than the regular package.
Just to ease you in reaching their services, you can now find them in almost all states. It means that now you can just easily meet Direct TV in California anytime you want. Just get the reference in this site for sure, and get the package applied at your home right away.
Diposting oleh simple di 20.13 0 komentar
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
Plastik, Daging dan Kertas
Adakah yang ingin tau kenapa kita seharunya tidak menggunakan plastik?
Adakah yang tau kenapa kita harus mengurangi konsumsi daging yang kita makan?
Adakah yang tau kita seharusnya menghemat kertas?
Plastik membuat banyak sekali masalah untuk kita dan alam yang kita pijak. Dengan menggunakan plastik, kita secara tidak langsung telah menyengsarakan anak cucu kita nanti. Kenapa? Anda tau sendiri jawabannya kenapa!
Daging yang kita makan, membuat daerah padang rumput menjadi kering. Daging yang kita makan, berkontribusi yang sangat besar terhadap pemanasan global. Anda pasti tau kalau daging yang kita makan berasal dari ternak. Dan untuk memelihara ternak diperlukan makanan berupa rumput. Dan makanan yang seharusnya bisa untuk persedian kita, telah di makan oleh ternah. Cari sendiri di google, anda akan menemukan betapa besar sumbangan kita ke perusakan alam.
Kertas, Dibuat dari pohon. Dan tentu saja pohon tersebut harus ditebang untuk di jadikan kertas. Anda pasti tau fungsi dari pohon itu sendiri.
Kesimpulannya, anda tau apa yang harus dilakukan untuk memperkecil kerusakan alam kita.
Diposting oleh simple di 21.43 0 komentar
Label: Jeritan Hati
Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
Sawah Indah Sawahku Hilang
Sungguh ironis memang keadaan yang sekarang sedang terjadi di desaku. Sawah yang indah dan sangat menyejukkan tiba2 menjadi tumpukan beton yang kokoh. Dimana sawahnya ya? dimana sawah tempah aku dulu mencari capung dan belalang?
Hilang sudah tempat kenagan yang paling di banggakan, tempat bermain sepak bola di waktu, tempat berlarian, tempat semua hal yang menyenangkan yang pernah kualami. Tempat yang dulunya sejuk sekarang sudah sangat panas, tempat yang dulu berdiri pohon-pohon mangga besar sekarang telah menjadi tower-tower penampung air yang tinggi.
Menangis?, tentu tidak, hanya sedikit bersedih dan terhentak dengan kemajuan desaku yang kebablasan. Sawah di jual hanya untuk beli motor, sawah di jual karena pajak yang bagi mereka terlalu besar.
Siapa yang salah? Akulah yang salah, aku gak bisa berbuat apa-apa untuk desaku. Siapa yang harus malu? Akulah yang malu kepada ibu pertiwi yang disakiti terus dengan berbagai pondasi bangunan yang kokoh.
Diposting oleh simple di 21.34 0 komentar
Label: Jeritan Hati
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
Menghabiskan Waktu Akhir Pekan dengan Berkebun
Banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan agar akhir pekan kita lebih menyenangkan dan mengasikkan. Hal yang menjadi favorit yang saya lakukan adalah menata kebun. Walaupun memang sudah ada tukang kebun yang mengurus kebun yang kita miliki. Tidak ada salahnya sekali-kali kita ikut terjun membersihkan kebun yang ada di halaman rumah.
Hal apa saja yang bisa kita lakukan?
Menyiram. Sudah pasti ini kegiatan yang sangat menyenangkan, apalagi jika kita menyiram kebun kita dengan kekasih atau pendamping hidup. Kita bisa sambil bercanda melakukan aktivitas basah-basahan ini.
Menyapu sampah yang tidak diinginkan. Tentu anda semua tau apa yang saya maksud dengan sampah yang tidak di inginkan. Sampah tidak diinginkan ini adalah sampah plastik yang memang susah terurai dan sangat menggangu pemandangan. Kalau sampah daun ya biarkan dong, kan sekalian sebagai pupuk.
Memotong rumput atau dahan pohon. kegiatan ini nih yang menjadi favorit saya. Kita bisa memotong pohon sesuai dengan selera yang kita inginkan. Bisa berbentuk payung atau sejenisnya sesuai yang ada di pikiran kita.
Kegiatan yang menyenangkan bukan? Saat kita melihat ke kebun, pasti kita akan merasa bangga karena ada sedikit campur tangan kita dalam kebun tersebut.
Diposting oleh simple di 21.32 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Decorate your garden with a rain chain
Have a house and garden are very pleasant. Many activities can be done in the park. For example gathered with family, spent the weekend by making a garden party and the rest will make reading a fun activity to do your garden din. You can use your garden for a variety of activities. For that is the reason for someone to maintain and care for the beauty of his garden to look clean, tidy and beautiful.
There are many plants are usually planted in the garden. Most cultivated plants are ornamental plants like flowers, trees and other palm it. While other garden ornaments usually someone buys a set of rain chain made of iron with a very beautiful design. At first you might think stringing chains rain and shape itself into your garden ornaments. It turned out to make a decoration such as copper rain chain is not easy. Given the chain can be formed and make a creation in any form.
Diposting oleh simple di 07.36 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Home address plaques
Have a house with a clear address is required because the address is very important to you, or someone might know the place and the location where your home is located. Therefore, make sure the location off all people where they live as a permanent address that will make it easier to remember or find his address.
You can put your home's identity by using the address plaques you can put in front of their homes. Also you can design a customized address plaque with the exterior design your fence to look more beautiful and more practical if the people looking for your home. This is an address sign that indicates that that is your home. You can have your own sign with its appropriate order form that you want in the stores receive it address signs the existing signs in your town.
Identity known home or are required to address almost all countries. In the general people wearing Whitehall address plaques to their homes. Address plaques and numbers almost there in every house as a sign of their presence and address in a city. Which is often booked a model of wall address plaques as house number plates placed in front of the wall. The other is home address plaques for your home address.
Diposting oleh simple di 18.57 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Various types of racks
the home had to be equipped with furniture that matches your needs. You can complement your living room with a chair or sofa and a table for seating if any guests. You also must have a bed that can be put in your room for you to sleep at night. For your TV room, you can put a table to place your TV is your easy chair to sit and relax with your family.
The most common part you live when you cook in your home is your kitchen. You must fill your kitchen with cooking equipment and you are also having kitchen set for cooking. Make sure you have a stove to cook your food. Besides, if you have a hobby for a drink at a cafe, you can create a mini cafe in your home. Jk adams provides all the purposes you need for your wine rack. Jk adams wine rack provides a wine rack for you. Jk adams cutting board you must also have to use when you cut the meat or vegetables. To put your utensils in the kitchen, you must have jk adams pot rack you can hang in your kitchen. The last to place your herbs in order to look neat, jk adams spice rack to complement your kitchen.
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Label: home
Reserves of water in the dry season
The dry season is synonymous with lack of water. In addition, if the dry season arrives, very difficult to get clean water for use in everyday life. Clean water is very important. It use for drinking, cooking or even for bathing. The availability of clean water is very important because it will help us in doing everyday activities in the dry season. There must be another alternative that can be made to overcome the shortage of clean water during the dry season.
Given its importance to clean water, then you must save the water supply during the rainy season arrive. For that, you must have a means of water such as rain barrels that you provide to accommodate specific clean water in the rainy season for use in the dry season. In addition, you can suggest to all those who live close to you to have rain water barrels as a water reservoir during the rainy season. Barrels will also be very useful for the farmers who came forward of his harvest. Ensure sufficient water supply until the harvest time arrived with the rain harvesting which accommodated during the rainy season. You do not need to be confused where you get your barrels to hold water. Rain barrels for sale as special offer for you to realize it would be important clean water.
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Label: Rain Barrels
Senin, 16 November 2009
New Sofa for My Family Room
After we make our garden beautiful, now is the time to decorating our house, my focus is to decorating family room. This room is very important for my family, we use this room to watching TV, playing game, and another family event.
And this room must very comfortable, my wife give me Idea to change a few furniture. We already replace the TV, replace make a little change. “We need simpler sofa”, that’s what my wife said. And I agreed my sofa already break and now is the best time to change.
Without wasting time, I browse the internet to find the best sofas, elegant sectionals. Approximately there hours, finally I find the best site to buy my sofa., yup this site gives me a lot of choice. They sell leather sofa, and I think this is what I need for my family room.
This leather sofa have unique style, I just need to put little table in front of sofa to make this beautiful. From the for, I know this sofa will great for watching TV, playing video game with my son.
Do you want to change your sofa brother? If yes, I suggest you to visit You will find the best quality.
Diposting oleh simple di 19.31 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Find Elegant Accessories to Your House
While we talk about garden, there is plenty topic will come out. Like what you use to make this corner more beautiful, where you buy the beautiful mailbox. Design garden always make us happy, there is some art in design garden, and that make me feel very comfortable.
Talk about mailbox, there is plenty kind of mailbox style, like square, circle, animal style. And for the material, they usually use wood, metal, hard paper. Do you ever heard about blomus stainless steel mailboxes? For me this is new. I never heard about blomus. I heard about this from While I am searching fireplace accessories, I find this site. And elegant blomus fireplace accessories make me interesting.
And do you believe this, I spend two hours in this site, their product makes me feel in love. blomus stainless steel mailboxes, yeah this is elegant mailbox, I think, this is what I need to replace the older mailbox. You must visit the site, they have great product. From the picture, I know their product have great quality. For my kitchen, I think I have something to buy from this site.
Do you confuse how to make your house beautiful? I suggest you to visit, after you visit the site, you will have ton idea. And don't forget to see elegant blomus bread box, i like this product.
Diposting oleh simple di 07.47 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009
Alternative energy sources for homes
Natural gas and electricity suppliers are both heat and light in the hall. Both products have been around so long, it is difficult to imagine a world where they are replaced by another.
So far as you can see, the scientific horizon, at least they will not be replaced, either by a method such as zero point energy, the energy created by the quantum mechanical oscillations of the particles ... Sound like science fiction? Well, so far, yes, it is still science fiction, and if it is possible today, would be very expensive to produce. But do not despair, because in 1989, two chemists, Pons and Flieschman conducted an experiment, and claimed to have established a process of cold fusion. Fusion is a process that goes into the hearts of stars, while fission is something that occurs in nuclear reactors. Both very large and at least one, very expensive! Neither a viable option for domestic use only.
However, Pons Flieschman and shook the world when they published the results of an experiment, they have energy, ie heat, at room temperature by using materials and heavy water through a process of fusion, which generated heat from a sustainable source at room temperature. It is not until the end of April this year when the experiment was conducted by independent bodies, they have not been able to achieve the same results that Dr. Pons and Flieschman . The process was defective and that the two chemists have been discredited and, in general, was the end of the matter. The two chemists were, in terms of their career, they have ended and faded into obscurity. Pons and Flieschman committed the sin of the scientific community by publishing the results to the press instead of batteries for the first scientific review. Tut tut tut, the large search of hell, never to return again!
However, twenty years later, research is still ongoing and there were promising results, not only with cold fusion, but also hot melt. Hot fusion has been more media, probably because he does not seek to line of classical physics. Enormous heat, pressure phenomenal, incredible amounts of money and wallah, fusion! Cold fusion, on the other hand needs a drink, some of deuterium, palladium, heavy water. Now, I am inclined to believe, is an atomic reaction and not a chemical reaction as such, and May or May not produce a temperature rise of a few points more or a couple of weeks, depending on the impurities and of how it is measured. Not least, there have been significant advances in the quest for cold fusion that some companies have invested serious money in serious research.
Before you shake hands with joy at the idea of particles collide, shattering atoms of deuterium and palladium gourmet hot / cold fusion reactor at the bottom of the garden, you want May to consider some easily accessible, non-controversial alternatives to provide electricity.
Wind Turbines
40 of electricity a household over a year.
Costs for installing a solar electricity system are highly variable - the system costs on average between £ 8,000 and £ 20,000, depending on its size and type. The more electricity, the system can produce, the more it costs, but it could save. Solar tiles cost more than the signs, panels integrated into a roof are more expensive than those that sit on top, but if you need major roof repairs, tile PV can offset the cost of tiles.
The savings can be substantial - about 1.2 tonnes of CO2 per year and around £ 250 on your electricity bill. A 2.5 kWp system could provide 50% of the annual electricity output of a household needs.
Maintenance is generally small - you'll need to keep the panels clean and relatively safe that trees do not begin to overshadow them.
This article has barely scratched the surface of what is available to enable the owner to produce their own electricity, there are other methods such as hydrogen fuel cells, bio fuel for generators, oil recycled cooking for generators ... and so on.
However, implementation of this technology is useless unless your house is well insulated first.
Diposting oleh simple di 08.07 0 komentar
Label: Alternative energy
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
Reclaimed Hardwood Flooring - Keep it Green
Wood floors are healthy choices, they require fewer chemicals to clean than other floor coverings, and they trap dust and fumes in the fibers or grow mold in the grout. More and more people are choosing wood floors for anyone suffering from allergies. Do not be surprised if a doctor recommends a wood floor for your spine and joints. The wood is taken to give a little in May and will be easier for the legs and feet.
Antique and Reclaimed wood floors are still in vogue in the floor. The wood that is recovered can offer the benefits of old growth forests and more, so that not a single tree in the forest of life is sacrificed. This is where the green comes into play.
Antique and reclaimed wood can be milled to look like new, or sometimes, consumers are looking for wood with nail holes, bolt holes and other marks for the setting of these features are part of the appeal. The old timber will be the mark of many years of use and exposure to the elements.
Many of the floors of buildings are on the verge of being demolished or being renovated. Antique wood may be salvaged from timber rescued from dismantling old barns and buildings. Antique and distressed hardwood floors are prized for their beauty, stability and patina. Antique and distressed wood is usually saved vintage houses, barns and structures.
A rustic wood floor will be more natural than knots, distinct color variations, possible insect marks, surface control and variety of grain. Antique or Reclaimed flooring usually comes from the old growth forests of our early American history. Today, they can still be found in the soil in the old homes and historic structures in many parts of the country. This wood displays character unmatched by any artificial means. Wide Plank flooring can also come from new old wood. The wider use of widths and lengths to reduce the number of joints in all the soil that creates a historical record.
Much of this vintage wood recycled from old growth forests and has been used to construct buildings. This vintage is the wood of the unmatched architectural quality and character, not to mention beauty.
Some old wood floors is sometimes called country wood floor and retrieve the oak, maple, cherry, walnut, walnut, chestnut, white oak and other vintage wood recovered.
No two floors are identical and can usually be found in random widths. Reclaimed wood flooring May contain characteristics inherent in the old wood, including knots cracked a slight control surface, insects and nail holes, checking and time variation of color.
The advantages of using old reclaimed wood floors and a wood floor antique Rrerrque a beauty and definition of character that can not be found in the woods again.
• Recycling wood is an alternative to cutting down trees. This is good for the environment.
• Reclaimed wood has been transformed by nature and time that is a link to our past. After a piece of history in your home can be very satisfactory.
• The character and patina of the wood can not be duplicated.
• Old wood is denser and more dimensionally stable than the growth of wood, which are desirable for wood floors.
• Some species like the American chestnut can be found through suppliers of salvaged wood.
Antique Wood that radiant heat?
The use of radiant heating is increasingly popular in the United States, including the wood floors. The radiant heat is an excellent source of heating. With proper acclimation and installation methods, and the Antique Reclaimed wood is an exceptional choice over radiant heat.
The radiant heat is healthier for the wood than other heating systems. The heat is distributed evenly over the soil at low temperatures. Each board is exposed to the same amount of heat and does not encounter uneven drying.
Radiant heating effectively reproduces the natural process that has experienced antique wood. The wood that was used in support of a factory, a barn or a building has been exposed for decades to increase and decrease in temperature and humidity. In some cases, pieces of wood from which the boards were cut were slightly expanding and contracts for more than a century in their previous installation. Radiant heat, with its low temperatures and even distribution on the wooden floor in the same way, but the impact is much less dramatic or Reclaimed Lumber Antique wood recently because it has already been in through this cycle for years!
In general, the price of reclaimed land are a little higher. Prices for wood may uninstalled from $ 5.95 a square foot and the top of the page $ 22.00 mark. The price of the Antique Reclaimed and recycled lumber vary depending on the size, quality, length, quantity, nature and the surface of the material, and if equipment is purchased by the state or re - manufactured / milled to your specifications. The cost of recycling lumber is generally more expensive than the wood of the new class and size. If the timber passes through the revival of the manufacturing process, it will theoretically be added to this base price to offset the costs incurred for cleaning, nail polish, re-manufacturing and grading. The process of transforming wood recovered can be long and a lot of time, money and expertise.
In conclusion, the recovered wood floors are increasingly popular due to consumer interest in historic preservation and also to advance the design of green buildings. These woods are often of superior quality from wood that has grown slowly and is often more dense than wood faster.
Antique and vintage adds warmth of wood recovered, character and atmosphere of a house. This wood has a natural abundance of features. Some boards are generally wider and orientation of a character and charm that display an instinctive sense of harmony and spirit of the campaign. A sense of history of a time when the use of floor coverings wood was the average home was built.
If you already have an Antique or Reclaimed wood floors, or to consider a purchase, just think a bit of American history or May now be part of your home. This is an exciting concept!
Diposting oleh simple di 08.06 1 komentar
Label: Keep it Green
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009
Solar Home Efficiency - Temperature Control
The owners of the world consider a kit of solar energy or solar panels for their homes. It is a powerful way to save money, produce clean energy and "green." But before you do what you have to ensure that your home is energy efficient as possible. The less energy you use, the greatest impact on your solar energy system will have on your wallet and the planet. There are several things you can do in conjunction with solar panels to create a highly efficient, comfortable. This article will teach you about the energy efficiency of heating, cooling and passive solar.
Use of gas (eg propane or natural gas) to heat your home is very efficient compared to electric ovens. Using hot water and heat, as in the floor and underfloor heating is more efficient than forced air. Whatever your heating system, regular maintenance is essential to the efficient use of energy. Often, items such filters, valves or burners must be replaced periodically. Duct cleaning can also improve overall efficiency.
For smaller spaces that are far from the central heating unit (such as garages or basements) can provide heaters kerosene prices, fast heat without heating costs of everyday life. Closed doors, vents or valves rarely used items can also reduce consumption significantly.
Another thing to consider is your temperature setting. Try lowering the temperature one degree a week for four weeks. During the fourth week, the chances are that you will not see that your house is four degrees colder. And if you're cold, you do not make sense to start on a sweater instead of heating the whole house?
Air Conditioning
The cooling in warm climates is a huge drain on our electrical grid. This type of consumption May be partly responsible for the rolling blackouts in California and other states, a few years ago. Again, the maintenance of these units is the key. Have a professional check the refrigerant levels and performance. For new units, look for the Energy Star logo. This government program certifies the best artists of energy. New air conditioning units are often 200% more efficient than their older counterparts.
In arid climates, swamp coolers are an excellent option for cooling. Swamp coolers work best when they are placed in shady areas, rather than the roof is in place, we're used to seeing. And the same goes for cooling: not cool rarely spaces and ducts and filters to keep clean.
Try to experience temperature for cooling your home. Turn up the thermostat by one degree a week for four weeks. Also, try simply opening the windows at night to let fresh air. Chances are that the night is enough to cool your house while you sleep.
How often is your system? Is it running all day while you're at work? Many people think it is ineffective to stop the system when they left for the day and then the system kick on the right before coming home. It's almost always wrong. One at home is tightly sealed to maintain a comfortable temperature within 5-10 degrees over 8 hours. Try it for a few days and see for yourself.
A programmable thermostat, and an owner who knows how to use it, is an essential element of energy efficiency at home. With regard to your system while you're on vacation, even for a weekend, will have a significant impact on your electricity consumption. Take 15 minutes and read the manual of your thermostat, or to go out and buy a new one. New thermostat cost as little as $ 20, but can have a huge impact on your energy use.
Passive Solar
What is passive solar? The passive solar energy is to use the sun and the window treatment to heat or cool your home. Just open your blinds on the south side of your home during the day can raise the temperature inside by 10 degrees. Similarly, the addition of shade trees, windows and blinds on the south side of your home can lower the temperature inside significantly. Plus these additions can add beauty and aesthetics of your home. An architect and a landscape architect can help you add beautiful and functional home that will pay off in lower utility bills.
Diposting oleh simple di 08.05 0 komentar
Label: Temperature Control
Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009
Easy to understand explanation of how solar panels work
Solar energy is becoming more and more attention these days. Its time to answer the question: how are they really? It is unclear how a group can convert sunlight into electricity without moving parts. This article explains the process in terms that we hope everyone can understand.
The most basic definition of how solar panels work is that the sun hits a certain material, it excites electrons and creates a current and voltage that can be used to power the devices. Now let's explore a little more.
Silicon: Not Just for Computer Chips
First, silicon is taken from the earth. Silicon is one of earth's most abundant elements. It lies in the sand and rocks of all types. You've probably heard of the "Silicon Valley", home to the technology research and investment in California. It is so called because the silicon used in computer chips.
Silicon is a semiconductor. Think of the copper conductor, copper and son. Think of the rubber insulation, such as coating on a copper wire. Silicon is somewhere between the two and is called a semiconductor. This property is used in computer chips and solar panels to manage the reactions that produce tiny electrical currents. An electric current is essentially a "flow". Photo of a thread a small tube current and the speed at which "water" (in this case, electricity) flows through the pipes.
Just Add boron and phosphorus
But the silicon itself is not sufficient to establish the power of the sun. Silicon is produced in a very fine as crystal wafer using pressure and heat. It is then coated with two different materials: boron and phosphorus. Boron is coated on one side, phosphorus, the other with a gap between the two layers. Boron, when combined with silicon, is a positive step, but he wants to be neutral. The only way neutral, it can do is gain an electron, which has a negative charge.
Now enter phosphorus. Phosphorus and silicon material is negatively charged, which means it has extra electrons. But he also wants to be neutral! And how can he do? Get rid of electrons, of course! And how will he get rid of them? This is where the good old Sunday in.
Here Comes The Sun
When the sun hits the cell, the electron is excited. Just think of the electron as a child in the arms of his mother to approach the park. It simply can not wait to get out of the mother and the swing. The electrons leave the phosphorus and boron is positive, creating an electrical discharge under pressure as they fall into the ditch. This pressure must be released, and through the wiring of the cell. This creates the flow, or ongoing, we spoke earlier.
The cells are treated with materials to ensure the solar radiation is absorbed and does not take into account. The silicon wafers are wired together and inserted into the glass and aluminum to avoid weather damage. These are the panels and are then wired together to form a table. And that is the cornerstone of the reaction of a solar panel!
Diposting oleh simple di 07.50 0 komentar
Label: solar panels
Senin, 17 Agustus 2009
Easy Way to Make Your Garden Beautiful
Again I have problem about my house. I think I already solve the problem, but in the fact am not. Do you know what the problem is? Yeah… you are correct my brother. The problem is about my garden. My wife didn’t like with mailbox that I choose. Argh… make me very confuse.
In February I already told you about my bad garden decoration, and that’s my fault. I think I already fix it. Now I will let my wife to choose the address plaques and mailbox, hope will make her happy. I don’t know why she looks bad with the garden decoration. Do you know what he says? “Why you choose this mailbox and address plaques style? “ And do you know what I say? I think you already agree with me before I buy, and now you suddenly want to change?
Because I love my wife and hate to fight with her, so I say “here is the place you can choose a lot of style mailboxes, and house numbers”. “Please choose what you want, and make sure that’s match with our garden decoration”. Do you know where I suggest to my wife? Yeah like ordinary I tell him Have same problem with me, just visit
Diposting oleh simple di 07.32 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Rabu, 24 Juni 2009
Tips Agar Tanaman Hias Tumbuh Subur
Jika pada pagi hari anda memiliki teh/air teh sisa kemarin sore, jangan dibuang percuma, sebab bisa dipakai untuk pupuk tanaman hias kita. Caranya, lakukan Tips sebagai berikut:
2. Siramkan pada tanaman anda, lakukanlah setiap pagi.
Niscaya tanaman hias anda akan subur dan cepat berbunga.
Selamat mencoba. Read More..
Diposting oleh simple di 20.05 0 komentar
Tips':Dekorasi Kamar Tidur
KAMAR tidur merupakan ruangan yang paling didesain dibanding dengan ruangan-ruangan lain. Banyak orang percaya bahwa kamar tidur harus penuh dengan ketenangan dan nyaman. Warna-warna yang terlalu terang tidak direkomendasikan karena warna-warna yang terlalu terang tidak memberikan kesan yang menenangkan. Warna-warna yang paling cocok untuk kamar tidur lebih cenderung ke warna-warna yang lebih netral dan hangat.
Langkah pertama dalam Home Decoration Ideas untuk mendekorasi kamar tidur, pilih warna kamar yang diinginkan. Jangan lupa memilih warna yang lebih menenangkan. Setelah memutuskan warnanya, Anda harus siap memilih furnitur yang cocok dengan keinginan dan sesuai dengan temanya.coba minta pendapat pada House Decorator, Home Decorator ttg masalah anda.
Untuk mendekorasi dinding kamar tidur, Anda bisa memilih foto atau lukisan yang ukuran besar untuk menghasilkan suasana yang unik. Selain memamerkan foto atau lukisan, Anda juga bisa mendekorasi kamar dinding dengan menggunakan wallpaper yang bermotif untuk menambahkan kesan mewah.
Setelah memutuskan warna Home Decoration Ideas dan dekorasi dinding, yang anda harus perhatikan adalah lantai. Secara umum jangan memilih bahan seperti jubin granit atau marmer. Itu karena Anda tidak ingin bangun dari tidur dengan kaki menyentuh lantai yang dingin sekali.
Bahan yang sering digunakan zaman sekarang adalah kayu atau karpet. Karpet memberikan kesan lebih hangat dan lembut. Karpet juga bisa menjadikan suasana dalam kamar tidur merasa lebih nyaman.
Lantai berbahan kayu kini makin populer menjadi bahan untuk kamar tidur. Selain lebih gampang dirawat, lantai kayu juga lebih murah dan mempunyai lebih pilihan warna.
Memilih warna gorden dan cocok dengan warna seprai bisa menambahkan kesan yang nyaman pada kamar tidur Anda. Gorden yang berwarna gelap sering digunakan untuk menghindari cahaya matahari ke kamar tidur. Anda bisa menambahkan lapisan tambahan yang berwarna lebih terang untuk menutupi gorden yang berwarna gelap dan tetap bisa menghindari cahaya matahari.sebaiknya anda hubungi House Decorator, Home Decorator
Sementara itu, adanya kasur merupakan furnitur yang paling penting dalam kamar tidur. Memilih kasur bukan hanya menuruti desain kasur, fungsi dan kenyamanan kasur yang cocok juga sangat penting untuk menciptakan suasana / Dekorasi Kamar, Dekorasi Ruang dan kesehatan yang bagus untuk Anda. Konsultasi dengan pakar untuk menentukan kasur yang paling cocok untuk Anda.
Jika Decoration Ideas kamar tidur Anda berukuran kecil, Anda bisa menambahkan cermin di dinding atau di pintu lemari untuk menambahkan kesan lebih luas. Anda juga bisa memilih lemari baju yang menggunakan pintu dorong untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan ruangan.
Lampu hias juga merupakan satu faktor yang penting dalam desain kamar tidur. Cahaya lampu yang berwarna kuning bisa menambahkan kesan mewah dan kehangatan pada ruang kamar tidur, malah cahaya lampu yang putih lebih cocok untuk digunakan di kamar tidur yang berkonsep minimalis.
Adapun cahaya warna yang berwarna-warni lembut bisa menambahkan kesan futuristik pada Dekorasi Kamar, Dekorasi Ruang ke kamar tidur. Menggunakan lampu sorot kecil untuk menyoroti ke furnitur seperti pintu lemari atau foto untuk menambahkan kesan mewah.
Jangan lupa bahwa Anda menghabiskan sebagian besar hidup Anda di kamar tidur dan kamar tidur juga merupakan satu ruangan yang paling pribadi untuk Anda
Diposting oleh simple di 20.03 0 komentar
Senin, 22 Juni 2009
Make Your House And Garden More Beautiful
Do you boring with your house? You feel not comfortable to stay in your sweat home? If that’s your problem, I exactly have solution how to solve that’s problem. Why I know the solution? Absolutely because I already solve my problem with boring house. Last week I tried my best to find the solution to solve the problem. How lucky, I have unlimited connection to the internet. I waste a lot of time to browsing and hope I will get best idea how to make my house more life. And home accessories are the first word that I can find in my brain.
And for make my idea become reality, I try to find best site that provide elegant furniture. And for that reason I choose ShopWiki. Why??? Because in that site I find furniture that will make my beautiful home and garden more elegant. I can imagine how beautiful my house and my garden after I add the furniture. Now, all is done, my sweat home make me feel very comfortable. I see my children play in garden, and his face look very happy.
Now is your time!! Change your garden decoration, choose the correct furniture that suitable to your house and garden. And you will see heaven in your own house. Trust me…
Diposting oleh simple di 18.43 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Rabu, 15 April 2009
Correct Accessories for Your House
Still confuse to make your garden beautiful? There is a lot of way that you can do to make your garden more beautiful. Use correct accessories will make big different to your garden. For example you can use the correct mailboxes type. To make that match, you must choose the color that almost same with your building.
A lot of people forget about this point, but this is important to make your house look more beautiful. Don’t forget about address plaques, this accessory will make your house beautiful. There are a lot of type address plaques, you can choose base on your house. If your house building color almost white, you can choose black color of address plaques, that’s will be great. Can you imagine how your house looks with this device.
house numbers, you must choose the correct model of house numbers base on your house type. Modern, classic, or simple house, there is a lot of house numbers model. Don’t forget to choose the correct color to. The last accessories that you can add to your house are whitehall products.
Where you can get this all product, still confuse? is the best place to looking for this accessories. There is a lot of product that will make you smile, you will clearly have idea to make your house beautiful after you see the product.
Diposting oleh simple di 20.37 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Rabu, 25 Februari 2009
Make your home More Elegant With Bean Bag
Again, we have new component that will make our home more beautiful. You must see this product, you will have new idea to make your home more comfortable. I love the design, I know where I can put this bean bag. There is a lot of model of bean bag, we can choose depend our needs.
Here is the model of bean bag.
Evolution sofa: I like this model, look modern. You can put this Bean Bag Chairs in your guestroom, I think this will look great.
Studio lounger: wow, this is nice to my guestroom. I like this one, this model will make our body relax, we can read book (I love this activity), I love this color look natural.
Zen Bean Bag Lounger : Do you like meditation and yoga? If the answer “yes”, this product is for you. Make your meditation more comfortable with this bean bag.
Conversion Lounger: This bean bag wills perfectly if we put in outdoor, we can see our garden, relaxing our body, this beanbags great for put in my garden. For me, Conversion Lounger is Outdoor Bean Bags type. A lot of color you can choose to suitable with your home and garden.
And another model of bean bags you should choose for your sweat home. Don’t worry about the quality of leather, you will satisfied with this Leather Bean Bags . Visit the site now to find more information about this good bean bags.
Diposting oleh simple di 17.43 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009
Menata Rumah Mungil Agar Tetap Cantik dan Nyaman

Warna Cerah Terkesan Lapang
Dalam menata ruang terbatas terdapat banyak cara, misalnya saja dengan mensiasati warna dinding dengan warna-warna yang terang. Selain itu gunakan juga furnitur yang tidak masif dan terkesan simple dan membuat ruang terusan tanpa ada batas masif.
Ruang dapat dibiarkan terbuka dengan menerapkan perbedaan ketinggian lantai atau plafon sebagai batas.

Kebutuhan dan gaya hidup tiap generasi memang berbeda. Kriteria pemilihan rumah pun berlainan. Misalnya, ada yang memilih rumah atas pertimbangan dekat dengan pusat kegiatan atau rutinitas kegiatan sehari-hari juga menjadi bahan pertimbangan.
Kesan simpel bisa diperoleh mulai dari bentuk arsitektur rumah, bentuk dan penataan interior serta tahap finishing. Banyak furniture yang memiliki bentuk organik dengan motif garis-garis dinamis yang memiliki kesan lembut dan nyaman tetapi tetap sesuai dengan fungsinya. Bahan pelapis furniture pun motifnya akan beralih dari bunga-bunga ke motif polos.
Konsep penataan interior tidak akan banyak berubah. Konsep dasar penataan ruang tetap ditujukan untuk menciptakan kesan lapang dan nyaman.

Rak Penyimpanan
Jika Anda senang mengoleksi barang-barang seperti buku, botol minum atau pernak-pernik lainnya. Akan sangat disayangkan jika hobi tersebut tidak terwujud hanya karena ruangan tempat tinggal anda sempit.
Sebenarnya Anda bisa mensiasatinya dengan memilih furnitur yang memiliki banyak fungsi dan dapat disesuaikan dengan keadaan rumah, misalnya membuat lemari gantung atau membuat rak buku di bawah tempat tidur atau bawah meja keluarga. Siasati sudut-sudut tak terpakai di rumah Anda. Area ini bisa disulap jadi tempat penyimpanan buku.
Jika orang lain berusaha menyembunyikan rak buku atau koleksinya, bahkan tega menyimpannya di gudang karena tidak adanya tempat, namun anda bisa membuat rak cantik sebagai penyimpanan barang kesayangan anda. Rak ini bahkan bisa menjadi penghias rumah yang unik menggantikan lukisan atau pajangan dinding lainnya.

Pintar-pintarlah dalam mencari celah di dalam rumah, seperti ruang bawah tangga, salah satu sudut ruang keluarga, dinding bagian atas, garasi yang tidak terpakai adalah area yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk meletakkan rak.
Rak gantung adalah rak yang menempel pada dinding, bukan rak yang punya kaki. Rak seperti ini terlihat lebih ringan, tidak membuat ruang penuh, dan karena tidak punya kaki, bagian bawahnya bisa digunakan untuk meletakkan perabot lain, seperti sofa atau meja.
Kalau Anda ingin ruangan terkesan rapi dan bersih, rak tanam bisa jadi pilihan yang pas. Karena rak masuk ke dalam dinding, luas ruangan tidak berkurang. Sebelum membuat rak tanam, tentukan buku apa yang akan dimuat di situ, karena rak tanam sifatnya permanent sehingga sulit diubah-ubah ukurannya.

Pemanfaatan Ruang-ruang Kosong
Mezanin bisa jadi salah satu cara mendapatkan ruang tambahan tanpa perlu melakukan perubahan struktur rumah. Mezanin ini bisa dibuat dengan memanfaatkan ruang bawah atap (attic). Ruang tambahan ini bisa digunakan untuk meletakkan rak buku secara berjajar. Kalau cukup luas, mezanin malah bisa anda jadikan ruang kerja atau ruang baca.
Di samping itu, anda juga bisa membuat perabot multifungsi. Misalnya membuat bangku panjang dengan rak buku di bawahnya. Anda jadi punya tempat khusus sembari membaca buku-buku favorit.

Pencahayaan Dalam Ruangan
Faktor pencahayaan dari lampu pun tidak sepatutnya dilupakan. Cahaya lampu hanya ada dua, yaitu kuning dan putih. Cahaya putih dari lampu neon, misalnya, lebih memberikan kesan dingin, formal, dan tidak alami. Adapun warna kuning berkesan lebih hangat, segar, alami, dan romantis.

Selain itu, adanya kaca membuat sinar matahari bisa masuk ke dalam ruangan. Nuansa ruangan dapat mengalir ringan jika sinar matahari leluasa masuk dan pandangan mata lepas ke halaman.
Unsur vertikal terlalu banyak dan blocking untuk memisahkan satu ruangan dengan yang lainnya juga dapat memberikan kesan kaku dan sempit. Sebaiknya hindari unsur vertikal yang terlalu banyak ini. Bufet atau Credenza kecil atau bahkan sofa bisa dijadikan media penyekat ruangan.
Jika kita memiliki rumah yang mungil, sebaiknya pula memilih mebel yang kalem dan simpel. Mebel yang dipilih pun dianjurkan memiliki warna yang mendekati warna dinding sehingga tidak terkesan berat dan sempit.
Warna gelap biasanya cenderung terkesan mengarah mendekati kita sehingga ruangan tampak lebih sempit. Unsur- unsur alam, seperti pepohonan dan tanaman bunga, dapat pula ditambahkan untuk memberikan kesegaran pada ruangan.
Trik Memanfaatkan Ruang Sempit :
- Pilihlah warna-warna yang terang dan jangan sekali-kali memilih warga gelap karena akan membuat ruangan tampak semakin sempit.
- Pilih Furnitur yang simple dan berkesan tidak padat, misalnya pilih lampu gantung vertikal, furnitur yang berkaki tinggi, dll.
- Pilihlah furnitur yang memiliki tulang tipis dan memiliki desain simple yang senada dengan karakter rumah.
- Manfaatkan setiap detil ruangan seperti bawah tangga, lorong, kolong tempat tidur maupun lemari. Sebaiknya pilih lemari dengan bukaan geser agar tidak makan ruangan.
- Jika suka akan tanaman, pilihlah tanaman yang simple dan isahakan yang memiliki batang yang tipis.
- Pilihlah perabot rumah yang memiliki daya guna multifungsi dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
- Letakkan perabot-perabot yang agak keras di sudut-sudut ruangan agar jarak pandang terlihat luas.
Diposting oleh simple di 20.27 1 komentar
Rabu, 04 Februari 2009
Make your home Beatiful
Home is a place that can make us feel comfortable. In any case, home is still a priority for us. Home a beautiful, simple, surely will make us feel comfortable. Many ways we do to the house look more beautiful. Providing trinkets on the side of the house provides a comfortable feel. Of course, in providing accessories, we have to be careful in choosing. We must consider whether the accessories that match our house.
Mailboxes can also make us as one of the accessories that will make a beautiful home to us. With the selection of a mailbox, we will get a beautiful home. The mailboxs can be a beautiful place right on the door of the page. Sure that the people will praise our mailbox beautiful. If still confused buddy find the appropriate mailbox, seattle luxe provide a range of many options the mailbox. Comrade who choose to stay with the most appropriate decorasi home. Mailboxes will make our home beautiful.
Diposting oleh simple di 06.36 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
Sudah 40 Ha Hutan Dikuasai Investor
Di Pancasari |
Sudah 40 Ha Hutan Dikuasai Investor |
RENCANA untuk menyerahkan pengelolaan kawasan Buyan kepada investor, disesalkan pengamat lingkungan Dr. Kartini dan Direktur Eksekutif Wahana Lingkungan Hidup (Walhi) Bali Agung Wardana. Kehadiran investasi dengan mencaplok ratusan hektar hutan akan semakin merusakkan kawasan Danau Buyan. Apalagi saat ini sudah ada dua investasi yang menguasai hutan masing-masing 20 hektar. Atas fenomena perusakan hutan dengan dalih penataan ini, walhi Bali akan membawa hal itu ke ranah hukum. Sebab ada indikasi terjadi kejahatan terhadap lingkungan. Kartini mengaku sangat kecewa terhadap pemerintah (Pemkab Buleleng dan Pemprov Bali) yang menyerahkan begitu saja hak pengelolaan kawasan Buyan kepada investor, PT Anantara. Ketika ruang suci itu dijamah investor, Bali tak hanya dicederai secara ekologis, nilai-nilai spiritual yang dijunjung berabad-abad juga dikangkangi. Ia juga mempertanyakan kemampuan investor menempatkan kearifan lokal dalam proyek prestisiusnya. 'Apakah investor itu menyadari bahwa di sana suci? Dan, apakah investor tahu bagaimana menjaga kesucian itu? Bagaimana tanggung jawabnya terhadap leluhur yang meletakkan dasar-dasar kesucian; yang meletakkan dresta, sastra, bhisama?' gugat Dr. Kartini. Untuk itu, dosen senior Unud ini mengajak semua pihak agar tidak terjebak dalam cara pandang sempit seputar rencana pengembangan kawasan Buyan Eco-Cultural Heaven, melainkan melihatnya secara komprehensif. Artinya, jangan hanya terpukau pada iming-iming ekonomis sesaat bagi segelintir orang, tetapi mesti mempertimbangkan manfaat ekologis, sosial dan spiritualnya bagi Bali secara keseluruhan. Artinya, jangan semuanya diserahkan kepada investor. Masyarakat Bali juga mampu menjaga alamnya secara baik. Tinggal pemerintah memberi pendampingan dalam bidang teknologi. Seperti pertanian organik. Di kawasan itu juga sudah dikembangkan oleh seorang warga setempat, dan berhasil. Jadi tidak perlu mendatangkan investor hanya untuk mengembangkan pertanian organik, sebab masyarakat sudah mampu melaksanakan. Tinggal pemerintah melakukan pembinaan dan pendampingan sehingga hal tersebut makin berkembang. Mengingat makin menurunnya daya dukung alam Bali, ia bahkan menawarkan perlunya jeda atau moratorium pembangunan fisik yang bersifat eksploitatif dan eksploratif. 'Krama Bali harus berani nindihin Bali. Kita semua harus berani menolak semua investor yang dalam pembangunannya berbentuk eksploitasi dan eksplorasi terhadap alam Bali,' ujar Kartini. Sementara itu, Agung Wardana mengingatkan kondisi kawasan Buyan dan hutan di sekitarnya saat ini sudah babak belur. Selain PT Anantara yang bakal mengelola 900 ha, sebelumnya PT Nikita dan PT Bali Nusa Bali Abadi telah mengantongi izin dari Menteri Kehutanan dan masing-masing mengelola 20 ha untuk akomodasi wisata dan agrowisata. 'Jangan membuat Buyan makin merana dan Bali makin tersiksa. Inilah akibat dari kajian amdal yang sepotong-sepotong, dilihat proyek per proyek. Mestinya ada kajian menyeluruh yang menggabungkan itu semua dan melihat dampak jangka panjangnya bagi ekosistem Bali. Dengan demikian, tak mudah meloloskan suatu proyek,' tegasnya. Terkait hal itu, ia juga menyesalkan persyaratan Gubernur Pastika terhahap pengembangan kawasan Buyan yang dinilainya sangat sederhana. Persyaratan normalisasi Buyan melalui pengerukan untuk mengurangi sedimentasi serta penanaman pohon sebagai green belt (sabuk hijau) yang mengitari Danau Buyan dinilainya terlalu mudah bagi investor. Menurut Wardana, kalau memang ada niat, mestinya normalisasi Danau Buyan bisa dilakukan oleh Pemprov sendiri. 'Kalau sekadar untuk mengeruk danau, Walhi juga bisa,' sindirnya sembari meminta pemberi izin, baik Pemkab Buleleng, Pemprov Bali dan Dephut yang terkait proyek Buyan Eco-Cultural Heaven bersikap jujur terhadap masyarakat dan mengutamakan kepentingan yang lebih besar yakni Bali. Untuk itu pihak Walhi akan mengkaji dengan serius untuk membawa kasus ini ke ranah hukum. Sebab ada indikasi telah terjadi pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang memperkosa alam tanpa memperhatikan kearifan lokal dan keselamatan Bali secara keseluruhan. (gre) |
Diposting oleh simple di 15.19 0 komentar
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
High Quality Valves
Of course, every home needs Valves. Of course it is very difficult to find Valves with quality guaranteed. Indeed, it is difficult to find a good item. But if a comrade in the right place, to find high quality Valves is not so difficult. Do you know Worcester Controls valves? The produced good quality valves.
And, of course, to find distributors of Valves are not easy to secure. Comrade in boighill will find many types of high quality valves. Boighill are distributors of Valves, Controls, and Instrumentation. Do not hesitate anymore buddy. Valves that quality will be found if the comrade in the search for the right place. Do you know the function of valves?
Get your valves soon brother.
Diposting oleh simple di 10.28 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden
how to make our homes more beautiful
Of course we all want to have a beautiful and luxurious. And all of that will be complete if the Pair with the appropriate decorations for our house. The mailboxes has an important role to make our house look more beautiful. The mailbox is in accordance with the design house will give us a beautiful impression. Whitehall products provide products that fit with our design house.
Do not forget to add the address plaques to match our house. Although small but address plaques have a large influence on our house. Our home will be more beautiful if we add the appropriate address plaques. House numbers also need to look at the comrade. People who visit our home certainly feel happy to see our beautiful house numbers
Diposting oleh simple di 09.53 0 komentar
Label: Home and Garden